Discover The Best Immunity Boosting Supplement Every Family Should Use Today

...And Why You Should Also Get Your
Older Parent Involved In This Too.

Dear Friend,

When It Comes To Your Health,

What is it you want the most?

You Do Not Want To Have
An Untimely Death Due To Sickness.

And this goes to a whole lot of people irrespective of their age.

You do not want to have a life threatening disease that leaves you unable to recognize or see your love ones

Or been Confined to a bed or isolation center, powerless over your own bodily functions and praying for a miracle to happen which might never be.

Simply Because you refused to take care of your immune system
that is responsible for keeping you alive right now

And even with the way the current pandemic is which as we currently know does not have a cure yet and the best chance of how anyone can live to survive till when an approved vaccine is released is when you work on your immunity to have it boosted making you and your family stronger

The truth is that.

You Should Not Let Your Years Be Cut Short Simply Because
Your Immunity Level Is Low And Not Strong Enough

You Should Also Not Let Your Parent's Life Be Cut Short Because 
You Didn't Help Boost Their Immunity 

When your immunity level is low.

So many bad things happen which you should not even think about.

It gives rise to you having several other health issues such as

- Stroke
- Diabetes
- Miscarriages in women
- Cancer
- Memory Loss.
- Flu Outbreak Leading to death like the current WORLD pandemic

Even the WHO and other health professionals has advised that everyone should ensure they take in either supplements or drugs that helps them to boost their immunity system especially during this Global Virus Outbreak

And that's why am here with you today. 

As a natural health coach who has been helping several men and women for over 4 years, All i can advise you right now is to become more conscious of your health particularly in your immunity system which is why you are reading this page today.

I want to introduce you to a set of supplements that every family needs to have which are of high quality and helps with ensuring that you and your family are safe knowing that your immunity is very strong. 

Supplement One

Active Probiotics.

It has been shown through study that probiotics helps to give your immune system a boost that also helps to prevent the growth of harmful gut bacteria.

Aside from that function, it also helps in the production of natural antibodies helping to boost immune cells like lga producing cells, T lymphocytes and natural killer cells.

Another study also shows that taking probiotics also helps to reduce the likelihood and duration of respiratory infection in the body as this study was done in about 570 children where there was a reduction in the frequency and severity of respiratory infection

consumed probiotics stimulate the immune system and induce a network of signals mediated by the whole bacteria or their cell wall structure

Using the Active probiotics Helps you in boosting your immunity that helps you guard against and surviving any breakdown that might occur

Supplement Two

Aloe Vera Gel

One of the oldest plant ever to have been used in dealing with various treatments centuries ago still works wonder today and that's the Aloe Vera Plant. 

The Forever Aloe vera Gel Drink is a daily nutritional drink that helps to maintain the digestive system and also the energy level in your body. It also helps in balancing the immune system. It has been noted that the body cells becomes more sensitive to insulin when Aloe vera gel supplementation is regular.

Aloe vera is packed full of immune-boosting polysaccharides which help the immune system to behave properly

Aloe vera juice is packed with vitamins:A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Folic acid.

It’s also rich in minerals like:

Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Selenium, Potassium.

Now that you know about these two supplements pack. 

What next?

I have made it easy for everyone to get this pack depending on your family size.

And if you have folks living outside from where you are and you want us to send a pack to them, we can also help make that arrangement

So here are the different packs

Single Immune Booster Pack For One Person [No Bonus]

1 Aloe Vera Gel Plus 1 Active Probiotics For 30 Days


Couples Immunity Pack For Two People [FREE BONUS]

2 Aloe vera Gel Plus 2 Active Probiotics For 30 Days


Big Couple Immunity Pack For 3 people [FREE BONUS]

3 Aloe Vera Gel Plus 3 Active probiotics For 30 Days


Bonus For Those Going For Either The 
Couples Immunity Pack or The Big Couple Immunity Pack

If you order for the Either Of  The Couples Immune Booster Pack or The Big Couple Immune Booster Pack, I Would Send You A Bottle Of Our Aloe hand Soap which you can always keep in the bathroom and use in washing your hands for the family. Its aloe vera based and would help clean off all germs, bacteria and viruses in your hand to prevent infection. 

This aloe hand soap cost N8500 but yours completely for free if 
you order for the Couples Immunity pack. 

So here is how you can place your order. 


To prevent the transfer and collection of cash during this pandemic period

All payment can go through our corporate bank account here which is below here at 


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But Before You Send In Your Payment For Any Of The Pack, Simply Follow This Steps

Step One: Simply chat with us live on whatsapp via this link or number 07066768772 to confirm that the pack is readily available to deliver to your address

Click Here To Chat With Us On Whatsapp NOW!!!

Step Two: Upon Confirmation on availability, you will be provided with the account details above to send in your payment.

Step Three: Once your payment is confirmed, We will proceed to send your package to your address either through GIG Logistics, Ace Logistics or FEDEX depending on your location.

Delivery Within Lagos Takes 24-48 Hours

Delivery Outside Lagos Takes Between 3-5 working days.

So ensure you keep yourself and your family safe during this period and you can do that by boosting your immune system using this supplement pack.

Talk Soon 

Sincerely, Your Friend and Coach,

Coach Yemi Bankole,
|Health Educator & Researcher|
Customer Support Desk
Call/SMS/Whatsapp ​07066768772
9am-5pm [Monday-Friday]

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Disclaimer: Before taking any nutritional supplement, check with your health care professional regarding its appropriateness. Should you experience an allergic reaction, especially abnormal bowel function, to any supplement, immediately discontinue usage. You should never attempt to treat yourself without professional advice! No statement on our websites should be construed as a claim for cure, treatment, or prevention of any disease.

The Supplement Recommended inside this program are Forever Living Supplement And Are Also Approved By NAFDAC